Huaxu Energy manufactures small and medium size solar panels to generate sustainable power for your portable electric power and battery charging applications.

Incorporating epoxy resin encapsulated solar cells, PET laminated solar cells and folding solar cells, the power packs will provide an excellent choice for applications that require lightweight, flexible, durable, clean power.

With more than 10 years experience, we deeply understand what customer’s requirements.

Huaxu Energy will be always you RELIABLE supplier of solar panels.

·PET solar panel
·Epoxy solar panel
·Glass solar panel
·ETFE solar panel
·Semi-flexible solar panel
Why Flexible Solar Panel Is Popular?

Flexible solar panels can be a great way to make the sun work for you. Although there are some unique constraints with flexible solar panels versus standard solar panels.  flexible panels are ideal for RVs, boats and some residences.

What’s the Difference Between Flexible Solar Panels and Standard Solar Panels?

Both flexible and standard solar panels use photovoltaic materials to generate energy. However, standard solar panels are thicker, heavier and ultimately more durable because of the rigid construction and layers of glass. On the other hand, while flexible solar panels may be less durable, they are easy to install and are functional for a variety of applications.

There are two types of flexible solar panels: thin-film solar panels with the photovoltaic material printed onto a flexible surface and a crystalline silicon option with very thin silicon wafers that have some bendability. Currently, crystalline silicon solar panels are more common.

What Are the Benefits of Flexible Solar Panels?

From price to adaptability, there are many advantages to flexible solar panels.


Flexible solar panels are only a fraction of the width of standard solar panels. Not only does this allow them to shape to bent structures, such as a curved RV or boat top, but it also makes flexible solar panels quite lightweight and easy to install on your own.

Installation Options

Due to their construction, flexible solar panels may be suitable for low-load bearing surfaces that can’t support standard solar panels. Flexible solar panels are especially popular for boats, camper-trailers and RVs. They can also work for smaller residential purposes, such as a workshed or detached garage. These options are also easier to uninstall and take with you if you sell.

What Are the Downsides of Flexible Solar Panels?

If you are considering flexible solar panels, it’s good to keep in mind the potential disadvantages when evaluating if they are right for you.

Less Efficient

On average, standard solar panels are 20% to 23% efficient whereas flexible solar panels are only 7% to 15% efficient. To generate the same amount of electricity, that means you would need more flexible solar panels.

Limited Power

Most flexible solar panels on the market only allow for up to 150 watts versus 250 to 300 watts for standard solar panels. For boats, RVs and other smaller applications, 150 watts can be sufficient. However, this may not get the job done when trying to power a home.

Restricted Warranties

Although standard solar panels can come with hefty upfront investments, you can rely on them paying for themselves well before their lifespan comes to an end. That is why most standard solar panel manufacturers offer 20+ years of warranty coverage. Flexible solar panels, however, are not as protected from the elements. They may operate for more than 10 years, but they generally only come with one- to five-year warranties.

When Should You Install Flexible Solar Panels?

Now, you know, it is the best time to install the flexible solar panel on RVs, boats and some residences.

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